i never thought i would be spending large portions of my day searching for crickets and grasshoppers in my backyard with my little girl, but alas, that's exactly what i've been doing for months now. i never thought i would learn about God's provision and his love via a super-sized flying cricket, but recently i did.
i caught a mammoth flying cricket. ( it landed right in front of me and my net.) but it escaped from the insect habitat when i tried to free a another cricket. emmy forgave me, but she was disappointed and asked me to catch another one. well, if you've ever seen one of these things you know that they are difficult to catch. afterall, they can fly. so after a half hour of searching, i half-heartedly prayed for a stupid cricket to fly into my net. guess what happened a minute after i prayed. yep, an enormous cricket flew right into my net. oh me of little faith!
emmy was thrilled to have a winged pet cricket. and i was thrilled to tell her that God does hear us and answer our prayers even when they seem ridiculous. God gave her the cricket. her response, "wow, so God told the cricket to jump into your net for me?"
It's only for a moment that you are mine to hold The plans that heaven has for you will all too soon unfold So many different prayers I'll pray for all that you might do But most of all I'll want to know you're walking in the truth And if I've never told you I want you to know that as I watch you grow I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams and that faith gives you the courage to dare to do great things I'm here for you whatever this life brings so let my love give you roots and help you find your wings May passion be the wind that moves you through your days and may convictions keep you strong guide you on your way May there be many moments that make your life so sweet but more then memories I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams and that faith gives you the courage to dare to do great things I'm here for you whatever this life brings so let my love give you roots and help you find your wings It's not living if you don't reach for the sky I'll have tears as you take off But I'll cheer you as you fly I will give you roots and help you find your wings mark harris
they did nothingexcept...the neighbor's dog, zoey, escaped and ran into the school. of course, the k-5 students were sent out to find the lost pup and bring him home. i don't remember k-5 being so exciting and dangerous.
she did "nothing" again today.
after further inquiry i discovered what happened on em's first day of K-5.talk about having a bad day: "during recess a girl swung so high on the swing that she hit a tree and had to go home. " (it's important to note, there are no trees near the playground.)"then the rest of the class swung into the trees. some of them went home due to their injuries. some of them stayed. those who stayed got pinched by a mad crab who lives by the seashore next to the school." (indy is known for it's beautiful coastline.) "they all went home and i was left alone with miss lopez" - one tall tale by my little stephen king.i wonder what will happen on day two.
"what did you do in school today, em?""nothing."
"when will they let me in?""when will the bell ring?""why can't i go in?""what time will they let me in?" etc...she entered confidently. no tears (from either of us)no hugs (for me)just a fleeting "see you later, mom."growing up...
"we're up at the same time!" - em on her first day of school.
presenting our new dining room set: