Wednesday, April 18, 2007

supreme court vote

they got something right!


Caslon said...

Good news indeed!

Tech Mom said...

that is encouraging news--this is such an evil thing and an example of "evil" cloaked as "good" and "good" cloaked as "evil"...All we can say the great deceiver has blinded the eyes especially those of Ginsberg per her article..

Caslon said...

I just found out this does not have a provision for the mother's health. I don't know the details - but I have a hard time believing if the mother will die - they can't do something.... I don't know any of the details, but I guess that was some of the controversy over this.
Maybe someone can shed some light on this. If the woman is in grave danger - can't a doctor do what ever is necessary to keep her alive?

Caslon said...

I just read the whole article the link goes to and I guess there's just a lot of controversy and confusion over when this is used and are there other options. I just want to know - if a women is dying - they won't just let her die right?
I guess I sound crazy....
I don't want to sound like I think this ban is bad - I think it's great and I hope they revisit Roe vs. Wade - i just always thought that if a woman was dying that even in God's eyes - it was okay... ??

crt said...

partial birth is a late term abortion option. it's gruesome and cruel. i've looked up picts taken of babies that this procedure was used on and they are indescribable. there are also studies out there that show that babies suffer extreme pain during the procedure. as far as in God's eye's i don't think a wrong makes a right. and in my humblest opinion abortion is murder of the weakest members of society, the ones who can't defend themselves. i think women have been deceived that this is their choice because it is "their" body, but it's not. the baby has two dna strings making it a separate living entity. the women's choice was what she did before they got pregnant. (in most cases.)her choice shouldn't include legalized murder.

crt said...

n-said i really didn't answer your ?. i'm sure the doctors would do everything in their power to save both the woman and the child if that is the case. and even if it's impossible to save the baby and the mom why couldn't they just try to deliver it instead of the alternative?
abortion is a billion dollar industry built on deceit and heralded by the great deceiver.

Tech Mom said...

I think that is what caslon was asking if this happens to the mom [ her not surviving if she keeps the pregnancy} than rather than aborting the baby by salting or other means they would just "take" the baby and try to keep it alive thus saving both the mom and the baby.

Tech Mom said...

I think you are both saying the same thing --just "taking the baby" and not aborting it.

Caslon said...

Yea, I just wondered if this meant they couldn't do anything if the mother was dying. I think Tech mom is saying they could do a c-section or induce and even if the baby was too young they would do everything they could to keep the baby alive.

Lauren said...

Ideally, yes. Unfortunately, the mainstream media does not ever talk about this part of choosing life. They paint the picture of being pro-life as anti-woman, and forget that the pro-life position is really to try to save both the mother AND the baby. While WE would expect that other options be considered, all too often, parents are encouraged to consider abortion when something is wrong with the child or the mother's body is rejecting the pregnancy. The media neglects to mention that there are alternatives which are more beneficial to both the mother and the baby's health in the long run. The media doesn't talk about the fact that the babies can be delivered early and have a chance with modern technology. They just say those opposed to late-term abortion are opposed to protecting the mother's health, which is a completely false generalization.

Caslon said...

I remember when an old Pastor's wife was told to abort her baby after she found out she was pregnant after major surgery and multiple x-rays. When the baby was born perfect - even the doctor was shocked. It was quite a testimony to a man who was telling her is she didn't have many options...

Grace said...

Simply put, late term abortion is is late enough in the pregnancy normally that the baby should just be delivered early. I have a living, breathing example of delivering a baby to save my life living in my house. He's nine years old now. At his lowest weight he was 1 pound and 12 ounces and 13 inches long. If they hadn't let me have him when I did, we would probably both have been dead within days. The thought of what partial birth abortion does to a baby makes me want to vomit. How can anyone think that this is an option. Since Prophet was born, I've told everyone that will listen that anyone considering an abortion of any kind should be required to walk thru a NICU and see all the perfectly formed tiny babies. Our culture has worked for so many years to convince our society that babies in the womb aren't babies but just fetus, that some people actually believe it, which makes it easier for abortions to happen. How sad! Okay, I'm done ranting now!

crt said...

so many precious, innocent lives thrown away. it's just not a viable option in any circumstance. btw, i believe (correct me if i'm wrong) banning partial birth abortion was pres gw bush's first act as president.