Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is a quote from friday night. the girls typically have a movie night on fridays.

mad - "dad ( who had left for the teen all-nighter) said we could have a movie night."
me - "well, i'm sorry but both of you are sick and you need your rest."
mad - "but daddy said and daddy is the boss of you."
me - "mommy has veto power over daddy in this matter. so the answer is no."
this conversation circled several times.

the next evening when n- put her to bed:
mad - "mommy wouldn't let us have a movie night and you said we could."
n- "i wasn't thinking and mommy was right. you needed your rest."
m- "but you're the boss of mom."
apparently, she she holding a grudge.

-em just painted her horse blue with glitter accents while i was lying down. so i'll take some pictures. she did ask although was half asleep.

- the mime went well on friday night. the kids did a fabulous job!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

the great manipulators... or attemptresses. ;)