Wednesday, May 23, 2007

how does your garden grow

Does anyone
have an idea
what this is?


and maybe

althea tree



Lauren said...

Could the mystery plant be a dahlia or zinnia?

Looks GREAT!!!! Now the girls get tow eed it all summer! :-)

Lauren said...

Is the plant in the pic next to the pumpkin actually the sunflower seedlings and the other one the zinnia, perhaps?

crt said...

i was thinking the tall one was the zinnia, but i can't remember. sad, i know. guess i'll wait and see.
as far as the mystery plant goes, i planted some seeds (???) in there last year and a seedling came up a couple inches by fall. i gave it up for a bad seed, and then this spring...

Caslon said...

Everything looks so pretty!

I think your mystery plant could be a zinnia, but it looks a lot like my coneflower. They get pretty tall though so maybe not. Mine's up to my waist now.
Maybe once it blooms we can identify it.

crt said...

it budded a week ago. whatever it is; it's a big tease

crt said...

i have a few purple coneflowers planted behind the althea tree, along with red bee balm. put them there b/c of how big they can get. both attract butterflies - of course.