Saturday, May 05, 2007

whoever said

girls are easier...

yesterday while attempting to fold the laundry (apparently nothing good comes from me folding laundry) mad slipped into the house after playing in the sandbox, grabbed the baby powder and proceeded to clean her hands and feet with it. soon a sweet smell wafted into the living room, so i decided to investigate. a cloud of baby powder greeted me as i walked into the kitchen. the good news... mad had removed all the sand from her body. the bad news... there is a layer of pixie dust throughout the lower level of the house.

tip - baby powder used in moderation easily removes wet sticky sand of little fingers and toes.

while cleaning up the powder piles, i realized that em spilled nail polish on the kitchen table and on the chairs. so i used nail polish remover and succeeded in remover and nail polish and some stain. so i put on some old english to darken up the stainless spot. through this i discovered that the nail polish remover also removes primer. we have a few drops on the floor from past painting projects.

did i mention, mad clocked me with the hard plastic swing on my nose this week. thankfully, the bruise never turned green. there's still a bump where there never was one before.

today while working on the yard the girls were digging up grubs. of course they know grubs are bad so they fed them to the arachnids that they are apparently keeping as pets.

mad and em had a grand time covering themselves in mud and jumping into their pool this week.

on the sweeter side...

mad asked me the other night for my Bible so that she could read it. so i handed her mine.
"no, not that one."
"which one are you talking about."
"the one with aslan."
we have a fairy tale book with a large lion with a crown on it's head.
aslan's Bible.

btw, lauren em and mad want to have a discussion with bear about wanting to go to bed. they think she's crazy.

well there's more, but that's all for tonight


Lauren said...

I'm sure the sleepyhead syndrome came from my side of the family. Apparently Juliana has been crawling into bed 15 minutes early this week, too!

Tech Mom said...

your sweet smelling house!!! i do love the smell of baby powder--well you can say your life is never boring...t and jan have three now and i know their life is chaos right now.. they are 4,2,and 2 months.

Tech Mom said...

but tell the girls we love them and some day when they are teenagers they can clean the house for their mom!!!!

crt said...

yesterday i was telling them in a couple of years they get to do the dishes and i can't wait.

Caslon said...

Boy, I thought I had my hands full. Way to go on putting things into perspective!!

I think it's a little sweet how she was trying to clean herself off with the baby powder... :)

When are you taking that vacation and letting tech mom watch the girls???

Lauren said...

I second Caslon's vacation comment. You and N need that 10th anniversary trip.

Barbara Curtis (mommylife blog) has some interesting theories about when kids can start helping with dishes and other chores... by her standards, it's not too early to start with your girls, epecially with the corel! They just need to be in a lower cabinet that they can reach.

crt said...

did you read the blog. ha ha ha. they can do certain chores but i've seen what they can do with a sink filled with soap and water.

crt said...

did you read the blog. ha ha ha.