Thursday, May 03, 2007

thanks for the memories

as most of you know i don't open up very often or very easily.
but i wanted to tell two very dear souls how much i've appreciated their friendships forged over 14 years ago.
you two were among the first people i met freshman year. you were the first i searched for upon returning subsequent years. you were the first i found after breaking up with a certain someone sophomore year (in the 800 section) and you were the first i found after breaking up with another certain someone junior year. more importantly you were the first i told that i was going to get married to a guy i had dinner with for the first time during our senior year. thanks for not telling me i was insane. you were the first to freak out with me three months later when i had the diamond. so that leads me to graduation day (10 years ago today). you were among the first i searched for after walking across the fma stage. i miss seeing my curly haired, and my orange haired friends.
i miss laughing and crying with you.
my life has been richly blessed by having you both in it during the best of times and the worst of times.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." - cslewis (of course. who else would i quote for you two.)

thanks for bringing great value into my life.



serendipity said...

there are too many things to be able to say thank you for all of them. too many days when life was hard and you empathized. too many days when life was happy and you laughed. too many moments when the world came crashing in and you kept me going. too many hours of silliness and you frolicked. too many lessons of Godliness and you encouraged. how does one say thank you for faithfulness and love and forgiveness and tenderness and friendship beyond expectation, beyond what i ever deserved? thank you for being a human example of how Jesus loves me.

Lauren said...

thank God for friends like that!