Monday, August 27, 2007

school firsts

mad's first day of school ever.
em's first taste of video school. (she's had lessons since the 15th)

it went well.

they both actively participated in the lessons. mad seemed to enjoy the first grade as much as em. last year em seemed disengaged and uninterested in her lessons, but today she was jumping up and shouting answers, so was mad. i realize not everyday will be this good, but i'll take what i can get.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

chalk, curls, cantaloupe, caterpillar and contusion

chalk fun

chalk art on the
back sliding door

focussed on
her work

em wanted

her hair typically
falls below her

our 2nd home
grown "baby"

eating the fruits
of our labor


our new friend


Thursday, August 16, 2007

"i'm tired of all this hair"

yesterday's hair style
mad made her crown
all by herself

mad decided to
take up
this morning

she left the
back long

she cut both sides
at an angle

actually, they were
fairly even

the end result
after a trip to
the local
cookie cutters

her eyes say it all -

Monday, August 13, 2007

fun in the sun

we had a fabulous time at the shore with the family.
hope you enjoy the picts

bear, em and uncle j playing on the shore

em's collecting sand

mad discovers first hand why we told her the ocean is salt water and not to drink it.

wave jumping

both girls loved wading into the ocean until the jelly fish started attacking

wandering heart's happy and not so happy family

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. I Chron. 29:11

a belated bday party for em

an early party for caslon. all the little ones got gifts

caslon and mad enjoying the party

em received a fishin' pole from trader mom and dad. of course she had to give it a try

catfish caught

mad hanging out on the lagoon dock

mad fishing with papa

em fishing with grandma

em and grandma reeled in the catch of the day - a dirty old coke can

camera man and caslon taking a break and posing for a picture on our dolphin watching excursion.

em before she felt sea-sick

mad before she got tired of being on a boat and seeing nothing

our happy family. em's feeling dizzy here and taking a rest

mad eventually crashed and fell fast asleep. the nap rejuvenated her and the girls played into the wee morning hours.

our science experiments for the week being released into their natural environment

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Ps. 19:1

my three fishermen

upon returning home we caught this grasshopper and then we went swimming in the neighborhood pool.

em declared, "it's good to be back in our comfortable home." it sure is.

to check out other fun picts from our beach vacation see wandering heart and hannah bear's cave on the side bar.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

it's ok for me but not for you...

em defended mad against a couple of bigger kids at the pool today. even though mad was holding her own against the bully, em stepped in and told him off. after that the boys left the girls alone.
interestingly enough, em loves to push mad's buttons, but apparently nobody else is allowed to do the same.