Saturday, April 15, 2006

church the way it used to be

we recieved a leaflet in the mail yesterday.

"church the way it used to be"

all the men wore suits
all the ladies wore skirts below the knee. (i'm sure their slits were below the knee as well)
hymns sung out of a hymnal - "music that stirs the soul and not the feet"
occassional orchestra
they neglected to mention they had pews and not just chairs
yes, it is a very bj church.

the implication of the leaflet:
our church is right;
other churches are wrong.
it's just that simple.

i found the pharisees, but WHERE'S JESUS?

the girls need a bath tonight, so they smell pretty for church. don't worry they'll both be in dresses that are to their knees. after all, it is Easter. my knees will be bear. the drums will be assisting the keyboardists and guitarists (acoustic, electric and bass) play familar hymns of the faith and modren praise and worship songs that will be projected onto a large screen above the platform, chairs will be set up because we don't have any pews, coffee will be served before the service begins. pastor will wear a suit, but he's probably the only one. most importantly Jesus will be the focus, the center, the main attraction not the fashion, the chairs, the instruments. just Jesus.
more thoughts later...

1 comment:

serendipity said...

preach it, sister. oh for balanced worship that lets the Holy Spirit do the directing and the people do the worshiping. perhaps the old will see you don't have to fight all the new and the young will see you don't have to fight all the old. delighting in Jesus, not the law- what happened to that concept? it's probably hidden under someone's knee-length slit and unpadded pew :)