Sunday, July 02, 2006

keswick at play

a couple of days ago em and mad were busy playing with their rubber reptiles. (no sugar and spice in our house) maddie took her snake and wrapped its body around a turtle and shouted, "snake killing you, turtle."
emmy took her lizard and exclaimed in a deep voice, "stop snake. i will punish you." she grapped the snake and threw it under the table. "i've punished you", she yelled.
so i asked, "emmy, why are you yelling at the snake?"
and here's the reply i received..."lizard is God and HE punished the snake who disobeyed HIM. "

my little keswickian.

so i said, "you know that God does more than punish. He loves us and take care of us and gives us what we need."
*sigh of relief on my part*
"but lizard is God and he punished the bad snake"

moments later maddie retrieved the snake from"hell" from which the lizard god had sent it and entwined it about the turtle's body again.

this time the lizard god asked in it's lowest voice to "please stop killing the turtle."
the snake agreed and lizard god boomed, "good snake. i knew you could be good."

1 comment:

crt said...

amazing what they pick up!