Wednesday, June 20, 2007


again, president bush does the right thing.

he realizes that we don't have the right to "create" life in order to destroy it. life is not ours to do with as we wish. don't be fooled by the rhetoric of certain others running in 2008. i want a president who will put [God's] "ideology before science." what kind of society would we become without moral ideology. if we put science before morals how long will it be before other folks who are no longer viable members of society are just cast away, and what about little children born with downs or other horrible diseases are thrown away. just imagine for yourself how far science can go without a moral compass.

critics also stated that president bush "placed politics before the needs of our families." oh please, what political gain? perhaps spiritual gain, but no political gain. he did what was right in the eyes of God. not in the eyes of men.

good for him.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Yes, this is one area in which I am glad to see his consistent record.

We had a kid at our craft table today who reminded me of this very issue. He was very well-spoken, just shorter than most and he had a hump back.

I shudder to think that many people could and would use science to take away this boy's live.

It's also interesting to see that more gains are being made (or at reasearch is being done) in the alternate methods of stem-cell research which don't violate human lives.