Thursday, October 20, 2005


earth's crammed with heaven,
and every common bush afire with God
but only he who sees takes off his shoes
the rest sit around it and pluck blackberries

i wonder if i pay attention to burning bushes around me or am i just too busy to see the flames, too busy to hear the crackle, and feel the heat. what am i missing while i eat of the fruit or even ignore it all together. what does God want me to learn from those who do take off their shoes and be still. what does he want me learn from those who just eat their berries. well as you've probably guessed there is a deep seeded reason for all this philosophy. Dave and Vicky are sitting at the burning bush being still and faithful while the church about them are apparently eating "crack"berries. okay, that wasn't nice, but... this evening as i sit at the bush (not as patiently as my sister) i'm praying that God will interrupt the sleep of the deacons and pastor of their church, open their eyes and loan Dave and Vicky 50K to buy the house God has obviously provided. specifically, i am praying that God will lead the deacons and pastor to agreeing that dave and vicky should only repay the loan if they leave the church or sell the house. the current deacon plan would put them in a worse financial situation then they are currently in. which is ridiculous. i am amazed at how many doors God has opened for the church to do the right thing, but amazed at how many times the deacons have slammed the door on God and said "God must be shutting the door." they don't even see the bush a flame right in front of them. i'm also thankful for an unsaved real estate agent who sold there house in two hours, for an unsaved neighbor of my parents who wants to sell them a house for close to 50K less tan he could ask for, and an unsaved banker who is bending over backwards to get them a loan that would work for them. notice all the people helping them are unsaved. God is good and He is providing, now if only the saved would sit up and notice God and join him in His work, instead of working so hard against him. so with that very long and confusing story complete, i ask you to join me in prayer tonight and tomorrow for dave and vicky, their children (who are freaking out at the possibility of being homeless for the second time in four years at the hands of God's people) and the pastor and deacons of the church that they will realize God wants leave their "comfort zone and jump into the great unknown where Jesus is holding out his hand"


serendipity said...

when the almighty dollar is involved it often tends to twist the faithful into the faithless. i am praying right now that the next person who reaches out to snack on one of those berries will be burnt by the flames of God's presence and guidance. disturbing how believes are often spewed from the mouth but never saturated into the heart. disturbing and terribly, terribly sad. please keep me posted.

crt said...

thanks. i appreciate and i know they appreciate your prayers especially today. it's horrible to say, but true, that christians have hurt that family more then the unsaved. how pathetic. but God didn't open all these doors for nothing, so we wait and pray.