Thursday, October 26, 2006

lost and found

"The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is the hand over your whole self--all your wishes and precautions--to Christ."

--Mere Christianity



Lauren said...

"all your wishes and precautions"... interestingly phrased. that's especially difficult for one who had "be careful!" pounded into her throughout her childhood... i often have to ask myself "what part of be anxious for nothing don't you understand?"

Caslon said...

I have a hard time reading Lewis (other than Narnia). I had to read this sentence 10 times real slow before I kind of got it. That is probably why I have yet to get through any of his books that I have started.
Maybe I just don't read enough..
I don't know.
I get what Lauren said though!! :)

crt said...

there's times i have to read it 10 times too, but when i sit down and ponder what he's saying (sometimes i have to sit down with webster and ponder what jack is saying) it's always worth it.

Caslon said...

I agree with that.
It's kind of like learning another language.
Once translated, it describes a beauty indescribable in our common words.
kind of... :)