Tuesday, October 17, 2006

thoughts on three

whoever coined the term "terrible twos" apparently never met a three year old.
i like them to spend a hour with my little darling.


Tech Mom said...

what happened to the innocent little pictures down below on her third birthday????? she says she doesn't want to be a boring child for her mom!!

crt said...

i wouldn't want her to be boring either, just a tad more cooperative

Caslon said...

maybe we won't have any.......

Lauren said...

take your time, you've only been married 1 year. i'm glad we waited. especially considering the length we knew eachother, but i think i'd still be glad we waited.

today was one of those days i was really glad... i think bear might be cutting another tooth. or else the first one is just being a royal pain, even though it has already made it's appearance.

crt said...

caslon, i wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. i love every moment even the frustrating ones. every second is worth it. cslewis states that you can bring something to heaven - people or "eternal splendors" em's and mad are two of my "eternal splendors." you are going to be a fantastic mom one day!

lauren, my eyes skipped caslon's note the first time i read this and so i thought you were talking about us being married a year. :-)

Lauren said...

i definitely wouldn't trade being a mom for anything, either. it was worth the wait!

i know you're a little bit of a rebel child in your family, but you've only been married a year and your daughter has kinergarten? you'll be in trouble when your mom finds out. hee hee.