Friday, February 23, 2007

clean today, disaster tomorrow

there is
carpet in
em's room.
who knew??

clean today,
destroyed in
60 seconds
or less

(it's still better
than it was)

the culprits
after causing
the above


crt said...

em just advised me that her room won't be "disastered" tomorrow

Grace said...

Bee loves the Little People toys and we have several of them, but they are the biggest culprit when making a room "disastered".... well, that and all the little play pieces of food and kitchen stuff and toy baby doll items and.....

Tech Mom said...

Grandma is proud of her grandaughters!! Em I like looking at your room with the carpet showing!!

Tech Mom said...

Grandma is proud of her grandaughters!! Em I like looking at your room with the carpet showing!!

Lauren said...

Wow!!! What a difference less than a week makes! I can attest- both are much better than they were when we left on Monday.

crt said...

much, much better!
pet shop and polly pockets help with the mass destruction around here!

Tech Mom said...

Emmy does your room still look like the picture??Gram wants to know!!

crt said...

no! jake and mad took care of that

Tech Mom said... post since Feb.!!!