Friday, November 11, 2005

classroom blues

last night we took emmy to an open house at heritage. emmy's response: " it was not beautiful. (n- and i had been discussing the facilities.) and it's boring."
i asked, "what did you think about the art room?"
"it's boring", she replied.
"what about the music room?"
response - "it's boring."
"what about the computer lab?" i questioned
"it was good." finally a positive answer from our woe-be-gone four year old.
what about the library?
"it was good too." two in a row...
"what about the K5 classroom?"
my luck ran out with this one. " it's boring."
the gym also struck out.

her continued solution to our "where should we send em to school dilema" - "i'll go to mommy's school."

to be continued...

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