Wednesday, October 04, 2006

current critters

an assasian bug
and yes, as it's name suggests it attacks
its prey and injects poison into it.

a black cricket we've had for two weeks

a woolly bear caterpillar making it's caccoon

we've had "cricky" for several months now.


Lauren said...

the girls could have collected a bunch of beetles and ladybugs in the bedroom above the living room at great-gramma's house this past week.

they exterminator came and sprayed the exterior, and then there was a nice carpet of dead bugs on the oconcrete slab outside.

crt said...

they would have had a blast. i'm sure some of the bugs there are far more interesting than the ones here.

Caslon said...

I remember being there once and the floor was covered with large flies. I think that house shows it's age sometimes.

crt said...

i don't think the girls would be pleased if flies covering the floor.