Thursday, May 03, 2007

a good reminder

that i have my hands full.

yesterday was just one of those days...
em and the neighbor girls got into it. they split themselves into teams. guess what the game was. most likely you won't guess or believe it, so i might as well tell you.
they were trying to see which team could collect more spiders. yes, spiders. my arachnophobia has subsided greatly since em's fascination with the insect world began. but i still can't wait until crickets start jumping about and the girls start collecting them again. anyway...

em's team had more spiders then the other team. k's team started moping and fusing that they had fewer spiders and em started chanting ha ha haha ha. so i had a chat with all of the kids about being good sports win or loose. play continued. soon it all started again. so i sent the girls home, and called their moms. hopefully today there will be less cattiness while our sweet little girls search for 8 legged friends.

mad and em were playing nicely upstairs after em and i had our little chat about fair play. i thought to myself, "wow, they are playing nicely. i should fold laundry and get a few things done downstairs." so i started to fold, when i hear, "mom, mad's dumping out all your soap."
sure enough, mad had a new bottle of shower soap and she poured it all out on the side of the tub and in the tub. so after cleaning up mad, i started cleaning the bathroom and i hear, "mom, mad's drawing on the wall." sure enough, the artist still had her instrument in her hand and a guilty look on her face. em was thrilled that someone else was in trouble.


Lauren said...

Wow, this is a lot of posts for you. I like it. :-)

Ah, just when I think I am ready for #2, I read of my nieces adventures and realize that Bear is about the age Em was when you first got pregnant with Maddie.... and that I don't know if I could patiently deal with the antics of 2 little trouble makers.

serendipity said...

okay, i concede, you win the frustration prize of the day... but on a happier note, you will laugh about these things someday and it won't be long before dumping shower gel and coloring on walls will be a thing of the past... of course that means they will have moved onto borrowing and loosing your jewelry, driving the family car, and going out on their first dates... maybe you should by them more shower gel :O ! :)

crt said...

i'll stick with the shower gel. em kept asking, "what's her punishment?" no punishment here for foolish kids stuff. just a "don't do it again." and if we punished em for all the times she's done these type of things, good grief. she would have spent the spent 4 years in time outs.

Grace said...

Been there, done that! Sharpies are very difficult to remove from walls and sewing machines ( yep sewing machines). I bet your bathroom smelled very nice after the dump!

Lauren said...

That reminds me of a certain visit to your place. The bathroom smelled yummy, indeed. So did the girls. But I wonder how long it took you to clean the apricot scrub out of the tub?

happymcfamily said...

Thanks for the reminder... I think I need to go lock some things up out of toddler reach :)
I hope you have an exceptionally wonderful and not frustrating day today!